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Don't drive on the shoulder in New York

Driving on the shoulder is something some drivers to every day. When I’ve seen it, it’s usually to get around another car because that driver is turning left, but maybe you’re caught behind just one car at a red light, and you want to turn right. This can be done carefully, and it can be done cautiously, but it can’t be done legally. In the eyes of a judge, driving on the shoulder is just another illegal shortcut. If an officer pulls you over for it, pleading guilty will get you two points on your license, plus a fine.

To be clear, any time you cross that white line on the right side of many roads, you’re breaking vehicle and traffic law §1131. If a roadwork flagger or police officer directs traffic onto the shoulder, though, it’s then okay. These tickets don’t seem to get written often, but they probably could be. If you’ve been given a citation for driving on the shoulder or any other traffic ticket in upstate New York, call Selby Legal to get a free consultation about your case. You can also upload your traffic ticket and get a call back.