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You do not need to go to court on the date on your New Paltz traffic ticket

Here’s a sad scene I see play out in New Paltz traffic court almost every Tuesday and Wednesday night: someone comes to court, holding a traffic ticket that they received. They are at court because of the date printed on the ticket (see highlighted date in the following example).

What happens next is what makes it sad: The court officer thanks the person and says, “You’ll be sent a court date in the mail.” They then take the long drive home, and not really closer to dealing with this traffic ticket.

The date on your New York traffic ticket is not a court date

Many people are confused by that date and that wording, which are supposed to be instructing the driver to send in a plea (guilty or not guilty) by that date (which is called the “return date” because by then you are expected to have returned your plea). Yes, it can be done in person at court, but unless you happen to live in New Paltz, that’s really inconvenient. It’s much easier to mail in your ticket, or call Selby Legal and have an attorney take care of that and every step until the matter is resolved. You’ll even get a free consultation to help you decide if you need an attorney at all.