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Illegal u-turns don't save you time if you get pulled over

A quick turnaround when you’ve missed your intersection or exit can be very tempting, especially if you’re on a limited-access road like the Thruway, Taconic or Palisades parkway, route 17 or interstate 84. It can take you miles out of your way to go to a legal exit and turn around. U-turns can save time, but if yours was illegal and you are pulled over for it, you will not only lose some time, you could also get two points on your license and a fine of $243 or more.

Turning around is a type of turning violation, and a driver can certainly be pulled over for this kind of infraction on any New York road. However, it’s worth calling out u-turns separately, since this is a ticket that’s much more likely to be given on a highway than anything else in that category.

If you have been pulled over for this or any other traffic violation, call Selby Legal right away. In your free consultation you will get valuable information that can help you decide on your next steps.