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Got ticketed on the NYS Thruway in the Hudson Valley?

New York state troopers are fast and efficient when it comes to pulling people over on the Thruway. This is their special turf: no other police have jurisdiction on that highway, and it’s important enough that there’s a dedicated troop just for patrolling it from end to end. Getting pulled over on a long drive is sometimes the first welcome to the Hudson Valley a driver gets. You might find yourself having to appear in court in a town you didn’t even know existed.

State troopers in Troop T have special concerns: they are expecting to find drivers speeding or driving recklessly, and they often focus on safety issues like using seat belts but not cell phones. The move-over law in New York was first written to keep them safe when they’re talking to drivers on the shoulder. Due to their training, they tend to be less likely to make the errors that get tickets easily dismissed.

That’s one of the interesting things about getting tickets on the Thruway: the officers and procedures are the same for hundreds of miles, but the judges and prosecutors handling these cases vary considerably. I represent clients in Thruway courts throughout the Hudson Valley, which means I’m known by the court officials and I know the troopers, as well. From my legal experience and those relationships I can make informed predictions about how a particular case might go: what factors might get the case dismissed, when to negotiate, and when to press for a trial.

Upload your Thruway traffic ticket today. We will contact you to answer all your questions and discuss next steps.

George Selby