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Speeding in New York is a big deal, and you really might want an attorney

In the Hudson Valley traffic courts where I practice, judges are getting more and more serious about cracking down on drivers who have a lead foot. There’s a lot of flexibility when it comes to fines and other penalties, and that means that any justice who has personal reasons to be offended by a driver in a hurry has a lot of leeway to make that driver into an example. When local justices don’t like speeding, it’s even more important to have a traffic attorney representing you in court. Here are some of the common situations I am seeing in upstate New York traffic courts:

  • Singling out young drivers. Teen drivers are more likely to speed, and some judges want to send teen and young adult defendants a message. I’m seeing more and more orders for teens and young adults to take Alive at 25, to the point where I will often recommend it preemptively. I’ve also seen judges hold off imposing sentence on a young driver for a full year, to see if their driving habits have improved. That’s a long time to feel like you’re under a microscope.

  • Very high fines. For drivers accused of driving 11-30 mph over the limit, the range of speeding fines in New York is $90-$300 for a first offense. Justices in more Hudson Valley courts are going straight to $300, maybe thinking that hitting you in the wallet is the best way to change your behavior.

  • Extra work. Periodically taking a defensive driving class is a good idea generally, but some drivers are being ordered to take it and provide proof within a certain amount of time. This can take points off your license and possibly lower your insurance cost, but most people would rather do it on their own schedule rather than under court order

Your speeding ticket deserves attorney attention, and I will gladly talk to you about your case to help you understand what you might expect for an outcome with my representation. I am familiar with judges and prosecutors in most Hudson Valley traffic courts, and I’ll share that expertise with you to help you decide if you want my help. Given the mood of many local judges, if you’re accused of speeding you will probably find that calling my office is worth your while.