Bankruptcy and General Practice


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Your unopened bills may be a sign that you need bankruptcy protection

How big is the pile of bills you’ve been meaning to get to? Are there bills that you don’t even open anymore, because you know that it’s money you just can’t afford to pay right now? Are you ignoring collection notices, or emails, or letting calls from unknown numbers go straight to voicemail because it’s probably from a bill collector?

Do you even want to know how much money you owe?

If this is your life, we may be able to help. Bankruptcy is a legal protection that allows many people to get all of those calls, letters, social media messages and texts behind them. Bankruptcy stops wage garnishment immediately, and can be much less expensive than going through a debt-repayment organization.

When you dread even opening the mailbox, it may be time to contact Selby Legal for a free consultation about your situation.

George Selby