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Speeding in a work zone caught on camera can get a high fine

Work zones, or highway construction sites, are areas where speeding can carry very serious consequences. In New York, they can be recognized by distinctive orange road signs. The fines for a guilty verdict can be twice as high, and it’s easier to get your license suspended for violating the law. Police are often stationed at big work zones to enforce the rules, and as of 2021 there are some areas where drivers can be ticketed for speeding on camera through a work zone.

If you’re pulled over for speeding in a work zone, call Selby Legal (but please pull over first, to avoid getting a cell phone ticket). Getting a free consultation when the facts are clear in your mind is the best possible time to call, but please do call even if your citation is an older, forgotten zombie ticket. Talking to an experienced upstate traffic attorney before you make the mistake of simply pleading guilty is always worth the time.